A Path To Help Advance Opportunity
The Buck Roach Foundation offers opportunity for educational advancement, parents in need, and youth sports with the ultimate goal of building stronger, healthier, and safer communities.
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Goals Of
The Foundation
The Buck Roach Foundation is centered around the singular purpose of providing participants with opportunity for a brighter future. Our priorities include:
Everyone should have the means to always be learning.
Parents in Need
Everyone should have a means to advance their child
Youth Sports
Everyone should have an outlet that challenges them both physically and mentally.
Programs That Support Our Strategic Focus

A newly developed program, ForeKidz enables kids to learn the discipline, focus, and dedication needed to excel not only in the sport of golf, but also in life

The Monarch School
A school system in southern California prioritizing education to those affected by homelessness

Big Brother Big Sisters
Focused on creating and supporting mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.

Jeremiah Program
Jeremiah Program is a national organization with a mission to disrupt the cycle of poverty for single mothers and their children, two generations at a time.
Our Promise
Our commitment to serve isn’t something we take lightly.
We pledge to:
- Provide an inclusive program available to all who may benefit
- Treat all participants, donors, and supporters with the utmost respect
- Celebrate our successes and learn from our downfalls
- Have fun in the process!